August 23, 2005

The Hong Kong group KGR to introduce fund of hedge funds

KGR Capital is planning to launch a multi-manager, multi-strategy fund of Asian Hedge Funds on 1st September. The fund named KGR Capital Asian Dynamic Absolute Return Fund will have a portfolio of 27 hedge funds following 11 strategies. The fund managers are optimistic about the returns the investors can expect. They feel that with a market volatility of 7-10% they can expect returns in the range of 15-20% over a complete cycle.  They have allocated 40% of assets for investment in Japanese hedge funds and the balance to be divided between China, India and Korea. This fund is aimed at investors with higher appetite for risk who stand to benefit due to KGR’s established research and risk management expertise. The fund will be domiciled in the Cayman Islands and will have monthly subscriptions and redemptions, and the minimum investment of $100,000. KGR Capital is a specialist in Asian hedge funds and its earlier fund-of-funds, KGR Capital Asia Pacific Absolute Return Fund, gave the initial investors a 9.9% annualized return with a volatility of 4.12% reports:

“KGR Capital launched its first specialist Asian fund of funds, the KGR Capital Asia Pacific Absolute Return Fund, in August 2003. Since then it has given initial investors a 9.9% annualized return, with a volatility of 4.12%.”

Read More: KGR announces fund of hedge funds

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